Search Sites → An alphabetical list linking to all prisons and camps in Alderney

Search People → An alphabetical list linking to Alderney's prisoners' stories

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Memorials → Occupation-related memorials in Alderney

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About Occupied Alderney

The aim of the Occupied Alderney website is to provide reliable, accurate, and up to date information, researched by experienced academics, about Alderney during the German Occupation of 1940-1945. All information provided relies firmly on extensive archival research coupled with archaeological evidence. The website focuses upon key sites for which there is proven evidence rather than rumour, and is not intended to be an exhaustive source of every single site.
The website is for all of those interested in Alderney and it is hoped that it will be a valuable educational resource for schools, or those of any age, who wish to learn for themselves what happened in Alderney during the war years.